
Corona virus in us
Corona virus in us

corona virus in us

The Census Bureau generally makes a microdata file available after the Wednesday following the publication of The Employment Situation news release ( schedule). Variables for the special COVID-19 questions are available in microdata extract files from the Census Bureau. Key indicators from these supplemental data are discussed in The Employment Situation news release. Beginning with the publication of August 2020 estimates, the new supplemental data are available at the same time as the other monthly data from the household survey ( schedule). New monthly data tables will be posted on this page as they are available. The highlights for those months were not affected.) The corrections affected tables 2, 7, and 8 for May through July for the vast majority of these series, the impact was negligible. (NOTE: BLS reissued estimates on September 23, 2020, to address minor data errors associated with the introduction of a new occupation classification system in January 2020. Distribution of persons not in the labor force who did not look for work in the last 4 weeks because of the coronavirus pandemic by selected characteristics Persons not in the labor force who did not look for work in the last 4 weeks because of the coronavirus pandemic by selected characteristics

corona virus in us

Distribution of employed persons unable to work at some point in the last 4 weeks because their employer closed or lost business due to the coronavirus pandemic by receipt of pay from their employer for hours not worked, usual full- or part-time status, occupation, industry, and class of worker Employed persons unable to work at some point in the last 4 weeks because their employer closed or lost business due to the coronavirus pandemic by receipt of pay from their employer for hours not worked, usual full- or part-time status, occupation, industry, and class of worker Distribution of persons unable to work at some point in the last 4 weeks because their employer closed or lost business due to the coronavirus pandemic by receipt of pay from their employer for hours not worked and employment status Persons unable to work at some point in the last 4 weeks because their employer closed or lost business due to the coronavirus pandemic by receipt of pay from their employer for hours not worked and employment status

corona virus in us

Distribution of persons unable to work at some point in the last 4 weeks because their employer closed or lost business due to the coronavirus pandemic by receipt of pay from their employer for hours not worked and selected characteristics Persons unable to work at some point in the last 4 weeks because their employer closed or lost business due to the coronavirus pandemic by receipt of pay from their employer for hours not worked and selected characteristics Employed persons who teleworked or worked at home for pay at any time in the last 4 weeks because of the coronavirus pandemic by usual full- or part-time status, occupation, industry, and class of worker

  • Tables (XLSX) for 2020: May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec.
  • Tables (XLSX) for 2021: Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec.
  • Tables (XLSX) for 2022: Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep.
  • Employed persons who teleworked or worked at home for pay at any time in the last 4 weeks because of the coronavirus pandemic by selected characteristics See also the questions and concepts for an explanation of these measures and their limitations. (Tabulations by state are not available.) See highlights of the data. The monthly estimates presented in these tables are not seasonally adjusted and are for the nation as a whole. All of these supplemental questions referred to activities at any time during the "last 4 weeks" and followed the monthly labor force questions. These questions asked whether people teleworked or worked from home because of the pandemic whether people were unable to work because their employers closed or lost business due to the pandemic whether they were paid for that missed work and whether the pandemic prevented job-seeking activities. Top Questions from May 2020 to September 2022

    Corona virus in us